Egy j menpontot hoztam ltre, amibe megtallhat P!nk ltal nekelt Spongebob-os szmok cmei! (Ha meglesznek a zenk azt is felrakom)
P!nk is megemlkezett az elhunyt sztrrl, Michale Jacksonrl:
Michael Jackson was one of the best that ever did it. RIP
A Funhouse album negyedik Pink videja jelent meg a napokban, cme: Funhouse:
P!nk s Carey:
P!nk s Carey:
Ausztrliai turn llomsok:
1. Highway to Hell (Intro - AC/DC Cover) 2. Bad Influence (from Funhouse, 2008) 3. Just Like A Pill (from Missundaztood, 2001) 4. Who Knew (from I’m Not Dead, 2006) 5. Please Don't Leave Me (from Funhouse, 2008) 6. Don't Let Me Get Me (from Missundaztood, 2001) 7. I Touch Myself (Divinyls cover) 8. One Foot Wrong (from Funhouse, 2008) 9. U + Ur Hand (from I’m Not Dead, 2006) 10 Ave Mary A (from Funhouse, 2008) 11 Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) (from I’m Not Dead, 2006) 12 So What (from Funhouse, 2008) 13 Family Portrait (from Missundaztood, 2001) 14 I Don't Believe You (from Funhouse, 2008) 15 Crystal Ball (from Funhouse, 2008) 16 Trouble (Acoustic) (from Try This, 2003) 17 Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (Led Zeppelin cover) 18 Sober (from Funhouse, 2008) 19 Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen cover) 20 Funhouse (from Funhouse, 2008) 21 Crazy (Gnarls Barkley cover) 22 Get The Party Started (from Missundaztood, 2001)
P!nk a legfrissebb hrek szerint nem megy frjhez jra!! (rszletek a menbe)
P!nk zenete:
To all the totally awesome fans who came out to see me tonight in Glasgow...
By far the loudest, most fun and energetic crowd yet.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support and for letting me do what I do.
Much love to you all.
Ps.: I know, I took five days for post it. Sorry.
P!nk s Carey Hart jra sszehzasodnak? (rszletek a menbe)
Pink kampnyol a PETA-val:
Els lloms : BELGIUM [26.02]
Funhouse turn dalai sorrendben:
1. "Highway to Hell" (Intro)
2. "Bad Influence"
3. "Just Like A Pill"
4. "One Foot Wrong"
5. "Who Knew"
6. "Please Don't Leave Me"
7. "It's All Your Fault"
8. "I Touch Myself" (Divinyls Cover)
9. "U + Ur Hand"
10. "Ave Mary A"
11. "I Don't Believe You"
12. "Crystal Ball"
13. "Trouble"
14. "So What"
15. "Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)"
16. "Family Portrait"
17. "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Queen Cover)
18. "Sober"
19. "Crazy" (Gnarls Barkley Cover)
20. "Funhouse"
21. "Get The Party Started"
22. "Glitter In The Air"
P!nk egy j kis horror filmben szerepel, aminek nem sokra lesz a bemutatja:
P!nk dvd:
1. Opening 2. Cuz I can 3. Trouble 4. Just Like a Pill 5. Who Knew 6. I'm Not Dead
7. Stupid Girls 8. Spanish Dance ( Dana Espanhola ) 9. There You Go 8. God Is a Dj 9. Fingers 10. Family Portrait 11. The One That GOt Away 12. Dear Mr. President 13. What's up 14. U + Ur Hand 15. 18 Wheeler 16. Don't Let Me Get Me 17. Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) 18. Nobody Knows 19. Get This Party Started